Comment 216 for bug 233901

Revision history for this message
In , Dxmm (dxmm) wrote :

At Comment 26, Ben Bucksch wrote:-
Hidden prefs are not for end-users. The docs is for developers and power users.
Given that web developer docs are on MDC, I think it belongs there.

and at Comment 24 here and at comment 5 of Bug 330858, David Boswell wrote:-
The site should no longer host documentation. If there is
still a need for this it should be added to MDC. Moving to Mozilla Developer
Center product for discussion.

One has to ask "When does one move from beibg an end-users to a power user?" When one wants to make the program do something different to other users??

Somebody, somewhere (Mozilla Suite time frame I think) thought that an end-user (or maybe a "baby power user") might want to make particular changes to program operation, so allowed users to write preference alterations into a user.js file which was then incorporated into prefs.js when the program, Mozilla Suite, was run.


Additionally, as we were/are told in the newsgroup, SeaMonkey Suite has been officially dropped by Mozilla, as far as development is concerned, and the code-base "given" to a volunteer group of programmers.

How are these volunteers, and others, to be able to do what they're supposed to do, development-wise, if they don't have access to the "complete" listing of the preferences??