Comment 1 for bug 253341

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote : Re: Active vs. placeholder projects are unhelpfully indistinct

Random implementation ideas:

The Overview page for a placeholder project could include "(placeholder)" in both its <title> (important for search engine results) and main heading, like the 43 People site's pages for celebrities who don't use 43 People. <>

Where active projects have a description, placeholder projects could instead have a brief paragraph explaining why the project being in Launchpad at all. (I don't mean "This project was registered on <date> by <person>", but "Launchpad)

Similarly, the Bugs and Code pages for a project that doesn't use Bugs or Code could begin with a one- or two-sentence blurb explaining exactly why Launchpad is tracking bugs separately from the project's bug tracker (bug 35646) or branches separately from the project's VCS. This blurb would likely be a little different for projects that used Launchpad at all, vs. projects that were complete placeholders.

From discussion in bug 253360: Perhaps the project registration form should start out with radio buttons for "(*) a project I maintain" or "( ) a placeholder project that exists elsewhere". If you choose the former, you're shown as maintainer on the resulting project page; if you choose the latter, the maintainer isn't shown at all (bug 251834).