Comment 2 for bug 236975

Revision history for this message
benmhall (ubuntu-linuxgruven) wrote :

The mounting for /host is done in the initramfs, which makes this tricky (for me anyway) to track down. I've found a workaround for the problem:

Edit /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount/root_locale

Append ,umask=022 to this line:

   echo ROOTFLAGS=\"${ROOTFLAGS}locale=$ROOT_LOCALE\" >> /conf/param.conf

so that it reads:

   echo ROOTFLAGS=\"${ROOTFLAGS}locale=$ROOT_LOCALE,umask=022\" >> /conf/param.conf

Save, run:

update-initramfs -k all -u

Reboot. /host will now be 755.

There may be a more appropriate place to make this change, but after hours of googling and poking around various scripts, that worked for me.