Comment 27 for bug 523484

Revision history for this message
Alf Gaida (agaida) wrote :

@Ainsley Harewood:
There is a simple proof that ureadahead don't harm your boot process. Chroot into the machine and purge ureadahead. Then reboot. If the machine dont boot, solve the problem. If the machine boot, your problem is solved.

To clearify some things: In a perfect world ureadahead should work on machines (servers) with a separate /var without problems. IMHO ureadahead is totaly useless on a server because it's another piece of software that could cause errors. Therefore there is no need to use ureadahed on a server. Ureadahead is dedicated to desktops to boost up the boot speed. How often you will boot a server? Once a month or year? The 20 or 40 secs are not worth any potential problem. Sorry for my bad english.