Comment 88 for bug 668415

Revision history for this message (dennygoot) wrote :

Mark, and/or everyone at the UI team.

Imagine that I am a new home pc user, told by my friends that Ubuntu is great.

Most likely I am a current Windows user, and am used to the button being on the bottom.

I might be able to get behind the useability or feel of the Gnome 2 environment, if simply because I can put the button on the bottom.

Now I am using Unity. Nothing moves to where I want it. I can't make any changes to how I want it.

Also because I am not a programmer, I can't make a patch or change it by changing the code.

I am now alienated, and frustrated. The next person who asks about Ubuntu is going to here that I went back to Windows because of how awful the experience was.

The desktop experience MUST be flexible, or you will see a dramatic loss of users to Ubuntu...

I am only one voice, but I myself am writing this from Xubuntu, simply because of Unity.

My personal feelings aside (I absolutely hate Unity)...

It has always been the job of the designer to fit the wants and needs of the user, NOT the other way around.

If it where the other way around we would all be running terminal emulators, and there wouldn't be a gui... (most likely)

I am able to make changes to my linux world because I am an avid linux user, to the point that I could do everything I need to do in the cli. But the majority can not, and I feel a responsibility to speak up for the masses.

Anyone reading the posts on the net knows there are now a multitude (a vast one IMO) of users who are so frustrated with this "god aweful" user interface (not my description) that they are looking elsewhere.

If it is your intent to make Unity the desktop environment for everyone, and not just for netbooks and other unique devices, then Unity has sorely missed the mark, and should be seriously reworked.

I own a 10" netbook. I actually much prefer xfce or gnome 2, and even gnome 3 to Unity. Currently I am using XFCE4 on it, without problem.

In closing, I just want to say that we all need to look at other's points of view, and saying "you fix it" is never the answer.

And that's basically what you did Mark, you basically said, "you fix it, I won't..." (summed up ofcoarse)
-Dennis Andrew Gutowski Jr.
Owner/Operator Denny's Computers