Comment 59 for bug 668415

Revision history for this message
Robin van Ee (robin-vanee) wrote :

Hi, I'm a Mac user and I would prefer to get it on the bottom. While I am a programmer, I do not feel like putting countless hours in learning how to compile a Linux distribution just to get a bar on the proper side of my screen.
It's even blocking the hack someone suggested!

Mark, it's kind of clear that this is YOUR preference. You're forcing us to use YOUR preference. Lots of people would like to put it somewhere else and it would be so easy to just put the option there. Apple has it, and the option isn't even hidden in OS-X.
Is it really so important for you that everyone uses the product however you want it to? You haven't given any proper argument against it.

So please, let's just get this over with and include this very basic option.