Comment 27 for bug 668415

Revision history for this message
Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote :

Marek: "A developer scratching an itch" is the starting point of most Free/open source software, and still the most effective way to make things happen. There a finite number of people and a finite amount of time; at the moment people are busy working on pulling other parts of the stack together. Once the essential stuff is done, the "nice to have"s can be looked at, if you want to focus on a particular area and expand the number of people that are able to work on Unity then please join us, and please propose and make a patch.

It's a complex problem to solve so I would not expect the patch to be as simple as just changing the X coordinate! There is interaction with the dash button (top-left) to consider, there is the interaction of application indicators and window indicators when toggling between, autohide direction, right-to-left languages and layout, ...