Comment 243 for bug 668415

Revision history for this message
Magnes (magnesus2) wrote :

"this change would cost the same number of hours to make, irrespective of when it is made" - sorry, but I don't believe it. Even if you could write this in the same time (I think you can't, and I speak from many years of experience) you lost hours of testing. And if you did it then many things that you would need to move now (like the menus for icons on launcher) would have already been movable too. You sound like you lack manpower - if this is the problem then maybe you shouldn't have changed so much and sticked to what was available instead of making something from scratch. (sorry for my English) "a OS with a over engineered Launcher and under-engineered everything else is not very useful" - everything you've done with Unity apart from the launcher is utter crap (I'm talking about dash) confirmed even by your own testing.