Comment 2 for bug 527335

Revision history for this message
Roman Yepishev (rye) wrote :

Rodrigo, <br/> is not a valid value for Tomboy notes anyway.

Here's the complete STR.

Create a document in local couchdb in /notes/:

   "_id": "0781989f6f7c4778b2b3c3d2c0437109",
   "_rev": "5-f1826e7fb80104baf7ebf5cc950f0461",
   "create_date": "2010-01-22T19:39:47.0000000+02:00",
   "application_annotations": {
       "Tomboy": {
           "last-sync-revision": 8,
           "open-on-startup": false,
           "pinned": false,
           "last-metadata-change-date": "2010-01-22T21:40:44.2713230+02:00",
           "tags": [
   "title": "I am a HTML note",
   "last_change_date": "2010-01-22T21:40:44.2713230+02:00",
   "content": "I am a note in HTML format<br><br><br><br><br>I am so HTML!",
   "record_type": "",
   "record_type_version": "1.0"

( )

As you can see, it contains HTML in content and no note-format/note_format field.

Now wait until replication is performed and try to sync the notes with Tomboy. You will experience the error I described.

I have also added <h1>test</h1> node into that note and removed <br>s so that parser does not fail. Upon note sync, tomboy ignores <h1> node and the note does not look like it is converted. note_format does not appear on the server side and it looks like the conversion is done only when the note is edited via webui, not when note sync is performed by tomboy.