Comment 35 for bug 501020

Revision history for this message
UOG (f-ubuntuonegagy-spambog-com) wrote :

@Roman Yepishev

I can't reproduce the error I got at 2010-02-23 and described in #31 anymore.

I'm now repeatedly trying the steps I did that day, entering exactly the same note's title and the same note's content I entered that day, but I just can't reproduce the error.

The note's title was: "mathematics" (excluding the quotes)
The note's content was: "mathematics is the study of quantity structure space and change mathematicians seek out patterns formulate new conjectures and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions there is debate over whether mathematical objects such as numbers and points exist naturally or are human creations the mathematician benjamin peirce called mathematics the science that draws necessary conclusions albert einstein on the other hand stated that as far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain and as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality" (excluding the quotes)

Actually I just retyped a wikipedia article while using only letters a to z and spaces. The content didn't contain any lists or other text formating tags, just letters and spaces.

Used OS: Microsoft Windows XP
Used browser: Mozilla Firefox 3.5.5

But as I can't reproduce the error I got at 2010-02-23 anymore, this is now irrelevant.