Comment 52 for bug 375345

Revision history for this message
Stefan Nuxoll (snuxoll) wrote :

Mark, I would like to respectfully disagree with you. First, I continue to be amazed at each release that comes out from this project; and while I'm a relatively sideline member of the community and have had my qualms with some decisions that have been made, I've always accepted them begrudgingly or shrugged them off (the new notifications, I'm looking at you). However, I cannot accept the damage using the Ubuntu trademark on a proprietary service brings to community.

Yes, you are the 'daddy' of the Ubuntu project an Canonical itself, there's no argument there. But the role of a parent is to help aid their children in growth and let them go and succeed on their own, with this you are taking the name of your very successful child and using it to promote something that it is not involved in. To me, the Ubuntu name represents the conglomeration of community working together to make better software available freely in all senses to the world; and while I personally have no qualms about proprietary software itself, I think it goes against everything the Ubuntu name stands for.

In the end you have rights to the trademark and are free to do what you will with it, but I personally do not like being associated, as a community member, with a project I have no control over. As is noted above, I am not alone in this; but unlike some others I am choosing to politely debate this here, on another proprietary service you provide *without* using the Ubuntu name.