Comment 104 for bug 387308

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SabreWolfy (sabrewolfy) wrote :

@David Grant: I'm not sure how much can be inferred from the number of people who have marked the bug as affecting them. The true number of people affected by the bug is probably many, many more. Moms and Pops and Johns and Janes at work and at home who know nothing about LaunchPad or reporting bugs will most definitely not be adding themselves to the number of people the bug affects. They'll probably just think it's another thing that doesn't work. The very nature of the bug makes it clear that must affect many, many people.

I think it is disingenuous to use the fact that FOSS is free to excuse the presence of bugs and/or the lack of attention given to certain bugs. It's the old "you get what you pay for" argument that so many users of commercial operating systems always throw at users of free operating systems.

I'm not sure what more "we" can do to "help out" if the bug is upstream and we've already indicated that it affects us.

Part of the frustration with this bug is that Ubuntu is/has been pushing the Ubuntu One component with complete disregard for this bug.

"Here's a great new free feature in our free operating system -- look how cool and great we are -- but only some people can use it. Hard luck for the many others who can't use it. Please report bugs though -- everyone can help to make our operating system better. We know it's been two years since this issue was reported, but you'll be pleased to know that it's finally on the wishlist. If you don't like it, hard luck -- go use a commercial operating system because there's no warranty on ours anyway. Oh, and we are serious about increasing the number of people using our operating system -- THIS is the year of the Linux desktop. Just not for anyone behind a proxy."