Comment 24 for bug 570542

Revision history for this message
The Loeki (the-loeki) wrote :

The ahci.ko needs libahci to work, which is included in linux-image-extra-virtual (along with everything but the kitchen sink). It *SHOULD* be included in linux-image-virtual IMHO, because ahci.ko is next to worthless without it, and installing an additional 120MB of drivers, modules and cruft to get a 47KiB module to get SATA to work is just plain silly (bug #658461)

Workaround (I guarantee nothing :-P ):
cd /tmp
apt-get download linux-image-extra-3.0.0-12-virtual
cd /
dpkg --fsys-tarfile /tmp/linux-image-extra-3.0.0-12-virtual*.deb | tar --wildcards -xf - */libahci.ko
depmod -a
update-initramfs -u
shutdown -r now
