Comment 101 for bug 284408

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Esteban00 (esteban-diezlaiz) wrote :

So to be clear for anyone : propriatary driver [currently 8.12, fglrx drivers from10 decmeber 2008 ] doesn't work in ubuntu intrepid ibex (for the record "stop using those s**** code names ...") 8.10 for R3** chipset. I've only tried on a mobility 9700 /9600 [M10/M11] and a mobility X1400 [i asume r5*** chipset] .

Where is the problem : i don't know ...

Open source drivers ie 'xserver-xorg-video-ati' or 'xserver-xorg-video-ati'
DO work for r3*** and r5***.

Restrictions : for X1400 [only this card ] no hardware acceleration ... wait till febrary and maybe ati will have something that will realy work for yopou ...

for other R5*** : I have no responce ...

for Mobility M10/M11 -> the open source driver work so use it and pray that 9.1 ati propriatary driver support your chipset because open source driver do suck for 3D.

Nevertheless : open drivers work very well for 2d, compiz desktop ! so use them !

i would like to thank people that wrote open source ati drivers. I use them right now, and they are the best. I understand optimisation is dificult in a "closed souce" world so i don't blame your work !

I hope this would help someone !
