Comment 110 for bug 348275

Revision history for this message
Tony Espy (awe) wrote :

I'd like to respond to Ronnie's recent comments...

Canonical has responded to this bug from the start. One of the problems is that multiple bugs have been intermingled in a single bug report and thus it makes it very hard to manage.

Javier, the *original* bug reporter stated that he couldn't connect to a WPA2/AES access point.

He also changed the original description to state that by installing linux-backports-generic, and the Jaunty version of network-manager from the PPA, that his problem resolved. Similarly, he's stated that it works in the current development release ( Karmic ) as well.

As for the garbled key / passphrase displayed when using "Edit Connections", unfortunately this is the way the network-manager applet used to store keys & passphrases. The keys/passphrases input by the user were transformed into the native format, which as you've pointed out makes it very hard to edit. This has been fixed in NM 0.8 which will be included in Ubuntu 9.10. For more details about hashed keys, you can read Dan William's blog which describes in detail how NM 0.7 handled keys ( search for "hashed keys" in the page ).

Also Ronnie, losing connections again is a *different* problem than what Javier originally described. If you're still experiencing this problem, please enter a *new* bug report. Please see the following Wiki page for more information on how to properly do so:

Finally, it's my opinion that the linux (ubuntu) portion of this bug should be marked WontFix, as installing backports modules seems to fix the original problem, and as pointed out above, it's fixed in Karmic.