Comment 98 for bug 147623

Revision history for this message
Jesper de Jong (jespdj) wrote :

Confirming this. This happens with the 64-bit version only; with 32-bit the boot splash works normally.
This happens to me on Gutsy and Hardy Alpha 6.

I fixed it in Hardy Alpha 6 by doing the following:

Edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, add a line: vesafb
Edit /etc/modules, add a line: vesafb
Edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer, put a # in front of the line: blacklist vesafb
Edit /etc/usplash.conf. change to: x=1024, y=768
In /boot/grub/menu.lst, add vga=773 to the kernel boot line (for 1024x768, 8 bit per pixel)

Run: sudo update-initramfs -u -k all