Comment 3 for bug 423663

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Cefn (6-launchpad-net-cefn-com) wrote : Re: UXA Sporadic Freezes on Sony Vaio with 855GM

 I've got slightly improved performance from updating to a later kernel and a later version of X11 using the default acceleration method. However, UXA still causes hangs even with this later version.

I'm currently running with the following...

$ apt-show-versions xserver-xorg
xserver-xorg/jaunty uptodate 1:7.4~5ubuntu18

$ uname -a
Linux cefn-mint-vaio 2.6.30-020630-generic #020630 SMP Wed Jun 10 09:45:40 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

...which I installed by modifying my /etc/apt/sources.list to add this repository...

# Added to update to newer Xorg intel drivers
deb jaunty main

...and by downloading .deb packages for the newer kernel directly from and installing them with...

dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.30-020630_2.6.30-020630_all.deb linux-headers-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb linux-image-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb

Note that when I tried to run kernel version 2.6.31 this caused my machine to show nothing but a black screen. Also don't try running xorg-edgers unless you really like to experiment with new X builds. This caused me 24 hours of pain.