Comment 32 for bug 383345

Revision history for this message
jayprakash (jay-jay-cz) wrote :

todays update :
xorg-server - 2:1.6.2~git20090708+server-1.6-branch.6f1aff5a-0ubuntu0sarvatt~jaunty
xserver-xorg-video-intel - 2:

xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768 --primary --output VGA --mode 1360x768 --above LVDS
works with or without compiz.

xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768 --primary --output VGA --mode 1024x768 --right-of LVDS
does NOT work with compiz. (nothing new)
does work without compiz. (nothing new).

Even with
Virtual 2732 2048
unable to set
xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768 --primary --output VGA --mode 1360x768 --right-of LVDS

(not using xrandr but gnome display settings because of bug .
I write xranrd commands only to show the configuration.)