Comment 39 for bug 371605

Revision history for this message
In , Rohan Dhruva (rohandhruva) wrote :

I am now beginning to think that my testing method is bad. This is what I currently do after each git bisect good/bad --

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
./ --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/
sudo make install

-- and then restart the X server. Is that enough to "reset" the graphics hardware? I am asking because I get different results each time I restart X, with same driver. Do I need to reboot my PC after each install of the driver?

For example, I asked someone in irc #git to help me out with your instructions in comment #30, and this is what I was told to do --

At line no 8 where it says "test - must be bad", I first got the weird green bars which I previously pasted in attachment 28315. After restarting X server, the green bars disappeared, but the jagged edges were there. After restarting yet one more time, the video is perfect, no jagged edges.

I am bit lost here so as how to proceed. The version 2.4.1 is perfectly fine always reproducible, the version 2.8.0 has the bug always reproducible, I just can't pinpoint the commit in between.