Comment 324 for bug 252094

Revision history for this message
Sudip Natekar (sudip-n) wrote :

I have been following this thread for a while hoping for a solution to the poor performance of Intel GMA965 X3100 on Intrepid 8.10 64bit. Compiz was always stuttering, scrolling was laggy, and slight tearing with videos.
So I was reading this other bug (, and right at the beginning, someone suggested adding the following line to the Device section of xorg.conf.

Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"

Well, that's what I did, and now compiz is very smooth and videos are not tearing anymore.
I did have a problem initially with VLC crashing when I clicked on any video file, but that was resolved after I changed the default video output to "X11 video output" in VLC's preferences.

Hope this helps someone.