Comment 10 for bug 1116587

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Felix Möller (felix-derklecks) wrote :

some notes from irc, thanks for that!

<bryce> fm, you're right - nothing in your Xorg.0.log or dmesg. And if there's no i915_error_state file then it's sounding like it's not "just" a GPU lockup or xserver crash
<bryce> even possible it's not X locking up

<bryce> fm, check .xsession-errors, /var/crash for any .crash files, and /var/log/syslog
<fm> no apport popping up at reboot so no .crash, and syslog empty as well

<bryce> fm, is it exactly regular 10 min, or just more or less?
<fm> bryce, no just more or less

<bryce> fm, can you trace to when that first started and what you did leading up to it? or has it been like that since install?
<fm> bryce, happens since running 13.04, was not there with 12.10
<fm> right now i am on 2.21.2 or so
<bryce> fm, and it started right after upgrading?
<fm> bryce, yes happend right after upgrading

<bryce> fm, hmm well no idea what's wrong, but can throw out some advice for tracking it down more
<bryce> fm, I haven't run across reports quite like this, that sound like a GPU lockup but don't have evidence in the logs
<bryce> fm, so something must be a bit unique about your system. So you might doubly think about anything you've installed or done that other people wouldn't have done. or anything unusual about the hardware that others might not have.
<bryce> fm, fwiw, until just recently, this cycle for 13.04 we haven't changed much on X compared with 12.10, aside from targeted bug fixes. Same xserver, drivers, etc.
<bryce> fm, so issues that crop up on upgrade to 13.04 that didn't happen in 12.10, we often suggest looking first at the kernel or other things, before X, which did receive big bumps.
<bryce> so, like try installing and booting the quantal kernel, and see if you can rule that out

<bryce> and ssh in while it's frozen and look for any files changed in /var/log/*
<fm> what is the best way to get it?
<fm> bryce, yeah, can just go to ctrl-alt-1
<bryce> fm, think you can download the .deb off launchpad. kernel has no dependencies so pretty much grab from whereever's convenient.
<bryce> oho, if you can vt switch, that suggests not a gpu lockup
<bryce> fm, have you been able to just `sudo service lightdm restart` to get it working again? Or does it require a full reboot?
<bryce> fm, ok gotta go work on some other stuff, but good luck. If you can copy some of the stuff we discussed onto the bug, it'll help fill in whomever looks at it next.
<fm> bryce, will try lightdm restart