Comment 141 for bug 419126

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marmuta (marmuta) wrote :

Why disable r600 dri when there is already a capable driver in the xorg-edgers PPAs? To add a datapoint (HD4670), I've been using them for the last 10 days with great success. Compiz works well and is smooth, XVideo is there with the usual 16 textured video adapters, and even some dated 3d games I tried are surprisingly playable (Supertuxcart, wine+Age of Mythology). All without a single freeze or X crash yet.

Of the glitches I described in #109 there is only bug #425303 left, The busy window bug #425334 has been fixed already. I think it would be really sad to have r600 dri disabled at this point. Are there any blockers holding up the transition from xorg-edgers to the repos?