Comment 12 for bug 277948

Revision history for this message
In , Andy Clayton (q3aiml) wrote :

Hi Alex,

I'm the original reporter -- no, it's not. I disabled compiz due to that and various other issues. It seems simply a mistake that the virtual screen size is not set correctly. The virtual screen size does not appear to be restricted to what the 3d engine can handle as it can manually be set to 3360x1050 for the duration of the current session using xrandr. Toggling the LCD via gnome-display-properties also causes the virtual screen size to be correct for the session. It simply should also be set correctly when gnome-settings-daemon's xrandr plugin configures the screens. At the advice of Bryce Harrington I'm going to be trying to reproduce this shortly without g-s-d so I can give the xrandr command(s) which setup dual head and cause it to have the wrong virtual screen size.