Comment 17 for bug 380126

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SRElysian (srelysian) wrote :

If I have time later I may pop in my Jaunty live CD, I am unsure of what changed between then and now as far as default configurations are concerned.. however.. after poking around in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/ as well as /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdpolicy (some sites suggest the default file is in "10osvendor"), I managed to come up with a custom FDI file that restored all my synaptics functions back to the way they were.

Andreas will probably slap me for this, as I probably should have checked these earlier, and did not. However, the fdi system is fairly new to some people (myself included), so I am going to attach my custom file in the hopes it will help someone else out and prevent them from also being slapped.

As I stated though, it is unclear to me whether this change was intended or not. In the case where it was accidental, I suppose it'd still be considered a bug. If it was intended, I am certain this bug report will eventually be closed.

At any rate, the attached file is my fdi policy. The quick instructions are;

Download to .. wherever.
sudo cp 99-x11-synaptics.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/

I added some comments in the file as to what things are, most are fairly self explanatory. Any questions about it can be emailed to me directly through my profile and I can try to help you out.