Comment 161 for bug 1887190

Revision history for this message
wangjun (biggerchina) wrote :

test for script 2 ,with changed direction to out before test:

    a. Don't put your finger on the touchpad
    b. Open a terminal window and run `sudo dmesg -W`
    c. In another terminal, "cd /sys/class/gpio/gpio386"
    e. "echo 1 > value" and see if the following dmesg output will keeping popping up in the previous terminal window

        [ 138.233653] i2c_hid i2c-MSFT0001:00: i2c_hid_get_input: IRQ triggered but there's no data
    d. Then "echo 0 > value", now the dmesg output in step 3 should stop popping up
    f. Repeat step e-d for around 5 times

test env is :

the direction change to :out

and then run the script.

windows 1:
[ra@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost ra]# cd /sys/class/gpio
[root@localhost gpio]# echo 386 >export
[root@localhost gpio]# cd gpio386/
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo out > direction
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 1 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 0 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 1 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 0 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 1 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 0 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 1 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 0 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 1 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]# echo 0 > value
[root@localhost gpio386]#


windows 2:
[ra@localhost ~]$ sudo dmesg -W
[sudo] password for ra:
[ 144.238931] i2c_hid i2c-MSFT0001:00: i2c_hid_get_input: IRQ triggered but there's no data

the output :i2c_hid i2c-MSFT0001:00: i2c_hid_get_input: IRQ triggered but there's no data
is out after i run echo out > direction.