Comment 20 for bug 98783

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Dirk Seidel (dseidel) wrote :

I just found a way to easily increase memory consumption for This works at least on two machines, a desktop and a notebook, with intrepid and KDE 4.2.2. Both machines have a NVidia card (Quatro NVS-290 and GeForce Go 7400) and I tried it with both the nv and the newest nvidia driver with the same result.

Open okular with a very big file. Now you can see memory usage of X rising just by scrolling through the document. After going through 200-300 pages X needs around 1GB of memory.
Sometimes the memory got released after closing okular but most of the time the amount of memory was just lost.

I have tried this with a big djvu and a different pdf file with the same result. Using acroread for the pdf file, no increase in memory consumption can be observed.

Hopefully this very annoying bug can be solved soon...