Comment 19 for bug 98783

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karlrt (karlrt) wrote :

hm, i'm not so shure its flash.

I just ran suspendtests for jaunty amd64 on my t61 intel GM965/GL960 iwl4965, and in just a uptime of 1hour40, thats how top looks:

top - 11:33:47 up 1:39, 2 users, load average: 0.12, 0.24, 4.16
Tasks: 141 total, 3 running, 138 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 7.5%us, 4.9%sy, 0.0%ni, 87.1%id, 0.0%wa, 0.5%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 2009004k total, 1556044k used, 452960k free, 55956k buffers
Swap: 3903752k total, 388372k used, 3515380k free, 299620k cached

 2734 root 20 0 2361m 750m 105m R 17 38.2 4:31.65 Xorg
 3492 karlrt 20 0 632m 186m 19m S 4 9.5 1:52.26 firefox
 3281 karlrt 20 0 253m 16m 6908 S 1 0.8 0:17.06 compiz.real

38 % of my 2GB memory. I only have firefox open, and didnt use flash the whole uptime (just have been on launchpad pages with firefox)

So for me, it has nothing to do with proprietary drivers or software, i only used OS to use my memory that much. I would really like to debug this, but just dont know how i can help further?