Comment 6 for bug 293209

Revision history for this message
kuckus (kuckus) wrote :

If it helps, I used to have this modeline in a previous distribution's xorg.conf:

HorizSync 30-82
VertRefresh 56-76
Modeline "1440x900" 106.5 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 901 904 932 -HSync +VSync

and at some point in time I also used these 915resolution calls:

/usr/sbin/915resolution 3a 1440 900 8 1904 932
/usr/sbin/915resolution 4b 1440 900 16 1904 932
/usr/sbin/915resolution 5a 1440 900 24 1904 932
/usr/sbin/915resolution 5c 1440 900 32 1904 932

(I think it was some a Ubuntu flavour too, but I am not sure)