Comment 45 for bug 67188

Revision history for this message
Gerhard Klünger (g-kluenger) wrote :

Ubuntu 8.04, german version.
Thoug german keyboard defined, no german umlaute available. Also sharp s, "at" inside of email-adresses and so on don't work.
System > Settings > Keyboard > "Belegungen" (2nd Tab) > Tastaturmodell : Changing this value from previously 101 generic pc to 105 generic pc und clicking onto OK displays err-msg:

Error activating XKB configuration.

It can happen under various circumstances:

- a bug in libxklavier library

- a bug in X server (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilities)

- X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation

X server version data:

The X.Org Foundation


If you report this situation as a bug, please include:

The result of xprop -root | grep XKB

The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd
Here are the results:
_XKB_RULES_NAMES_BACKUP(STRING) = "xorg", "pc105", "de", "pc105", "lv3:ralt_switch"

_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "xorg", "pc105", "de", "pc105", "lv3:ralt_switch"

The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd

layouts = []

 model = btc5126t

 overrideSettings = true

 options = []

Gruss, Gerhard