Comment 3 for bug 148875

Revision history for this message
In , Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

Forwarding this feature request from a ubuntu contributor:

[Original Report]
There isn't a full mapping for the extra 'internet' keys on the Genius TwinTouch optical:

So I made one. Add this snippet to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet:

// Genius Wireless TwinTouch Optical Office
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "geniustt" {
    key <I2E> { [ XF86AudioLowerVolume ] };
    key <I20> { [ XF86AudioMute ] };
    key <I30> { [ XF86AudioRaiseVolume ] };
    key <I10> { [ XF86AudioPrev ] };
    key <I22> { [ XF86AudioPlay, XF86AudioPause ] };
    key <XFER> { [ XF86AudioMedia ] };
    key <I24> { [ XF86AudioStop ] };
    key <I19> { [ XF86AudioNext ] };
    key <I6C> { [ XF86Mail ] };
    key <I68> { [ XF86Stop ] };
    key <I67> { [ XF86Refresh ] };
    key <I6A> { [ XF86Back ] };
    key <I02> { [ XF86WWW ] };
    key <I69> { [ XF86Forward ] };
    key <FK17> { [ XF86Search ] };
    key <I66> { [ XF86Favorites ] };
    key <I5F> { [ XF86Sleep ] };
    key <I21> { [ XF86Calculator ] };
    key <K67> { [ XF86MyComputer ] };