Comment 2 for bug 213868

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Stephan RĂ¼gamer (sruegamer) wrote :


I wonder how many people will just click "yeah, let's start this awesome movie which is actually a trojan horse, i don't care what windows is telling me, just because I want it so badly".


1. If you click on a movie file, or you think it's a movie file, and suddenly firefox/webbrowser of your choice, asks you to open an .exe file with wine, I think the default layer 8 firewall should alarm yourself. (OSI Model only goes up to 7, so think about layer 8 ;))
2. For having Windows Signature Handling in Wine, we need to have the positive checks too. Means, asking the user when he tries to start an .exe/.msi file, even when it's signed by a known authority, which windows does.
3. What we can easily achieve is, adding an UI wrapper before actually wine will start, but this won't prevent people from having heavily SM Games during pr0n browsing on the internet.

What we have to think about is: Wine is not an emulator. It gives users the possibility to run windows shouldn't be handled as replacement for cheap windows running on Linux. It's a tool not a replacement for an expensive windows license.



PS: But yes, I tend to prevent people from commiting suicide, but this is not always their wish.