Comment 72 for bug 428884

Revision history for this message
fermulator (fermulator) wrote :

I'd like to comment on perspective here.

Ubuntu is supposed to be "Linux for Humans". Something as stupid as "breaking the inhibit" functionality of the screensaver shouldn't take this long to fix. Since Ubuntu is very popular amongst multimedia centres, this is a pretty crucial feature for people.

 1. Temporarily fix the bug NOW, (remove regression), and allow the patch to flow to Karmic users so that functionality returns. (i..e they shouldn't have to "patch" anything -- this should come upstream via apt)
 2. Spend the time to figure out the "right" solution BEFORE breaking it. Once it's been agreed on the right solution, implement it, test it, and release it.

Users don't care if gnome-screensaver wants to use a new API and media players aren't catching up. We can't expect people to actually adopt this OS if we're squabbling over stupid stuff like this. As soon as this bug was realised, the regression should have been removed, and once functionality was restored (the old way), then we can take the time to discuss the "right way" to fix it. I'm all for "doing things right", but not at the expense of having a feature (that used to work) disappear from a new release for months... completely unacceptable.