Comment 5 for bug 584797

Revision history for this message
permanuno (permanuno) wrote :

To answer my own question, I have a workaround that should work until Ubuntu is brought up to vim 2:7.2.436.

1) Download sql.diff from debbugs #560083.
2) Make a copy of the system-wide vim runtime: cp -a /usr/share/vim/vim72 /tmp/vim-runtime
3) Apply sql.diff to the copy of vim runtime: cd /tmp/vim-runtime; patch -p2 < /tmp/sql.diff
4) patch will report that autoload/sqlcomplete.vim and ftplugin/sql.vim were updated. Copy these to ~/.vim:
   mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload && cp /tmp/vim-runtime/autoload/sqlcomplete.vim ~/.vim/autoload;
   mkdir -p ~/.vim/ftplugin && cp /tmp/vim-runtime/ftplugin/sql.vim

Now arrows should work when editing a sql file.