Comment 9 for bug 776818

Revision history for this message
Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

Joseph, ah! Thanks for the bug link. That provides some of the missing rationale and history behind this MIR.

I understand your frustration, but part of the reason for this particular delay is that the people reviewing MIRs are busy and not domain experts in everything. Because the original description didn't reference bug 253230, from our perspective, this request didn't seem to flow naturally from a desire of the kvm packagers to use vde2. Now that I see that a developer with domain knowledge (Dustin Kirkland) would enable vde2 support if it were in main and requested that you file this MIR, it makes sense to proceed.

Obviously, this won't get into Ubuntu 11.10. But it's reasonable that it could for 12.04. Thanks Joseph for sticking with it so far.

Kees's point about the daemon was likely less about its resource requirements than possible security issues. This should be reviewed by Ubuntu's security team, so I'm assigning to them.