Comment 51 for bug 10550

Revision history for this message
Phil Turmel (pturmel-lp) wrote :

I cherry-picked those two commits into a fresh branch of v2.6.29. They applied cleanly, and appear to work correctly. My fstab line now looks like this:

/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom udf,iso9660 noauto,users,uid=0,gid=444,mode=0777,dmode=0777,nosuid,noexec 0 0

This combination will r/w mount any UDF disk that supports it (DVD+RW, DVD-RAM), and intelligently fall back to r/o on either UDF or ISO9660 as needed. Note: gid 444 = plugdev, for use with hal. The appropriate gid for you may vary.

Tested on KDE-3.5.9 w/ hal, using a CD created on windows w/ numerous jpegs, a DVD+RW created by a stand-alone Samsung DVD recorder, a DVD-RW created by the same Samsung recorder (DVD-VR mode), and a DVD+RW created by linux with a writeable UDF filesystem.