Comment 21 for bug 484677

Revision history for this message
Bob Hill (hill-robert) wrote :

During Ubuntu 09.10 boot, the message "init: ureadahead-other main
process (473) terminated with status 4" also appears on my system.

/etc/fstab is as follows:
     /dev/sda3 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
     /dev/sda6 /d ext3 defaults 0 2
     /dev/sda5 swap swap sw 0 0
     tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
Note /dev/sda6 is a data partition. The rest is self-explanatory.

/var/lib/ureadahead contains TWO pack files:
     "pack" (presumably for the root file system);
     "tmp.pack" (presumably for the /tmp file system).
/var/lib/ureadahead does NOT contain a pack file named "d.pack".

Ubuntu Bug 432360 contains the following text:
"ureadahead has better support for separate filesystems, when
 tracing it will generate additional pack files for each of the
 separate mounts (each one individually optimised) - and uses
 the mountall-generated 'mount' event to run over those."

How can I investigate why ureadahead generates pack files for
the root and /tmp file systems, but not for the /d file system?