Comment 20 for bug 65230

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unvendable (unvendable-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

@ Trib' and others:

I'm running Ubuntu server edition 7.10. I was having this problem and found this site. I downloaded and applied the patch (and checked tty1 to make sure it was applied correctly), and it's not working for me. Instead, it's now impossible to login using a keyboard. (Fortunately, SSH still works.)

Here's what happens for me:
First of all, I still see a prompt that says "mutedroar login: " up before a lot of the services start. When they're done, I see the same prompt, repeated. Here's a sample of what happens:

mutedroar login: [my user name]
[first letter of my password]
Login incorrect
mutedroar login: [my user name]
Password: [first letter of my user name; shows up along with the prompt, before I actually type my password]

Login incorrect
mutedroar login:

...and so on and so forth. Sometimes it does weird things where it will give me another login prompt immediately following the first (rather than a password prompt), and this second prompt will be tabbed over on the screen. It will sometimes echo my password after I type it in. Sometimes I get the normal login messages and a user prompt, but when I try to type anything (e.g. ls), it immediately prompts me to login in again. It's all rather frustrating, and I can only gain access using SSH from another computer. (That works the same as always.) Any ideas on why this patch isn't working?