Comment 5 for bug 373006

Revision history for this message
Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) wrote :

The situation in, where a user's partial upgrade removed the Network Managed and left the system unable to access the Internet, suggests that performing partial upgrades without good reason may be dangerous, and that the process may remove packages.

Can someone more knowledgeable weigh in on this? If partial upgrades are dangerous but users are offered them without warning, that does seem to be a problem. But I don't know whether the solution is to change the partial upgrade process itself, or for the Update Manager to warn about the hazards when offering to perform partial upgrades (or something else altogether).

@Krzysztof Klimonda: By default (i.e. when run without any other command-line arguments), the command "apt-get upgrade" may remove packages, but it will ask the user's permission first. That doesn't necessarily mean that the Update Manager (whether or not a distro version upgrade is taking place) has this behavior (or even that it necessarily should).