Comment 32 for bug 463347

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote : Re: [Bug 463347] Re: devices not detected -- too many open files

Zeniff [2009-11-03 21:32 -0000]:
> I'm about to do the -proposed update you mentioned. But do I only
> install the udev package? There are 3 updates which have your version
> number, libudev and just udev both mention 147~-6 as the version and
> libgudev says it's version 1:147~-6.

These are all built by the udev source package, and for testing it's
actually better to install them all (they should not change anything
in theory).

> I also have a question about the device name when it does mount after
> the workaround. In Jaunty, my USB drive would show up as /media/disk if
> it didn't have a label. Now it shows up as /media/D466-FF0D Is that a
> problem or normal?

Well, it's intended by upstream, but at least questionable
usability-wise. This is discussed in bug 390304.


Martin Pitt |
Ubuntu Developer ( | Debian Developer (