Comment 45 for bug 430654

Revision history for this message
Jasmine Hassan (jasmine-aura) wrote :

@ Scott in #42
>What are you on?

Must've been some really burnt coffee beans, never again :P

I know it's a pre-release, and I know this is all too possible in ALPHA stage, just thought that with the october release deadline drawing close, such surprises weren't very probable, I guessed wrong. I probably was all emo then due to the fact that I auto-clean'ed my apt-cache and there was no way for me to revert back to 147~-1 or earlier..

I apologized in #39 for the wasted space on off-topic discussion due to my ignorance, and I apologize again for my earlier "bitching"... I appreciate all the work, and I actually got a little high off the flaming, lol... Thanks, and keep up the good work :)