Comment 43 for bug 430654

Revision history for this message
Jasmine Hassan (jasmine-aura) wrote :

@ #40 SRElysian
Thanks, agreed... Perhaps it was a naive decision of me to upgrade someone's production system (based on their request) to Alpha stage merely for the reason of wanting bleeding edge packages that contain additional language support. Never again :p
Luckily, the (trivial) bug is now fixed and the warnings are gone :)

As to your comment about *splash, I doubt xsplash will replace usplash, simply because u cannot load an X server while running `fsck`, fs requiring encrypted password, etc... Even in the non-exceptional cases, having both usplash and xsplash, usplash kicks in for most of the boot time than xsplash does on my test-bed slow (minimal install) system - P3 500mhz, 192mb PC100 RAM.. That is, usplash for about 16 seconds, no *splash for about a 7-8 second gap, then xsplash for 4-5 seconds :p
Meanwhile, discussion about this is taking place in bug #427356 (Boot Performance Updates), as we agreed this is off-topic here..