Comment 77 for bug 296710

Revision history for this message
Barry Kauler (bkauler-gmail) wrote :

I read this thread with interest. I'm a developer for Puppy Linux and today ran into this warning when I was testing the kernel with Puppy.

I think that I have fixed it, and my solution might interest you. Our boot scripts are very Different from Debian, or any other distro for that matter, but the essential part related to getting ehci_hcd to load first will be usable by you guys.

We have a little utility named 'elspci', which is kind of like 'lspci' but very simple. It was written by one of our developers, Jesse.

It is just a matter of testing for certain PCI ID number:

ELSPCI="`elspci -l`" #jesses great little utility.
[ "`echo "$ELSPCI" | grep '0C0320'`" != "" ] && modprobe ehci-hcd

That covers all cases where ehci-hcd is needed, I think.

Put that somewhere in a boot script before the rest of the module loading, and you're right.

The source for elspci is at my source repo,, but I've attached a static binary.

My recent relevant blog post:

I'm posting this as an extra item of interest. It seems though that other solution(s) is/have been worked out.

Barry Kauler