Comment 10 for bug 28439

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PtOLU8zjbZxlgNOiyGyd (lkgdx5kefrptmd7ccufa-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

=> That makes absolutely no sense I'm afraid.

Yes, of course. That was a PEBCAK on my part. The contents of /dev/.udev/queue exist when I boot into the shell. I somehow didn't notice them when I checked the first time (I blame it on forgetting the US keyboard layout, have an Spanish one these days ;-)).

I've made sure to check three times, cold booting, hard resetting and soft rebooting from breezy. Each and every time I find the same USB devices I reported above in /dev/.udev/queue/ and /dev/.udev/failed/. There is no instance of udevd running (checked every
/proc/*/exe each time).