Comment 4 for bug 407762

Revision history for this message
Joshua Hoover (joshuahoover) wrote : Re: ubuntuone-syncdaemon maxes out system resources

Hi Shai,

I'm sorry to hear Ubuntu One is eating up so much of your computer's resources. It would be helpful if you could do the following to help us get to the root cause of this problem:

1) Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal and then:
  killall ubuntuone-client-applet ubuntuone-syncdaemon
  /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug > ~/syncdaemon-debug.log &
2) Open Applications->Internet->Ubuntu One
3) Allow Ubuntu One to sync existing files or put some files in your ~/Ubuntu One/ folder to force the problem
4) Attach ~/syncdaemon-debug.log to this bug report and also let us know what the CPU and MEM usage looked like in top for the Ubuntu One python processes
5) Back in a terminal session, run: apport-collect -p apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client 407762

Thank you,
