Comment 38 for bug 649616

Revision history for this message
Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote :

If people are suggesting sizes like 10.5 pt, perhaps the answer is that the offered menu of sizes would be based on using the *pixels-per-em* as the granularity (these are ultimately the hint choices that the rendering infrastructure is going to be rounding/working to).

Based on the "standard" 72 pt/96 dpi (72pt == 1 inch), we have a one 1 pt increase equal to 4/3 pixels-per-em increase:

  * 9.0 pt -> 12 ppm (12.00)
  * 10.0 pt -> 13 ppm (13.33)
  * 10.5 pt -> 14 ppm (14.00) <-- one that is wanted, being skipped
  * 11.0 pt -> 15 ppm (14.67)