Comment 18 for bug 570765

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Jeff Lane  (bladernr) wrote :

I went ahead and set this as critical, hoping that the corrected grub will be pushed before Release after some reflection and a brief discussion in #ubuntu-testing.

<bladernr> indeed, just the context seems to be that it's being pushed to "read the release notes and grab an update" and from the perspective of the new user, having to immediately sudo grub-update from a CLI (especially if the new user has never touched a CLI before) is horrifying. I do hope this gets pushed before tomorrow.
<bladernr> I'd be more accepting of release-notes for this if it were an OS targeted to already tech savvy users (e.g. RHEL or SLES environments) but being one who teaches a formal "Intro to Linux" class, my students would be lost on day one if they went home and tried installing and lost their Windows Installs.

I very strongly believe that this is exactly the sort of situation we want to avoid, especially on a release that is so targeted at bringing new users into the fold.