Comment 131 for bug 150930

Revision history for this message
Harvey Muller (hlmuller) wrote :


In a fresh installation of Hardy Desktop amd64 Alpha 4, the problem is still present on the Dell Inspiron 1420 (nVidia GeForce 8400M GS). The screen blanks during normal boot period until gdm starts. Normal behaviour returns after manual fix.

Screens and Graphics reports the expected laptop screen resolution @ 1400x900. During installation, this had to be manually configured using displayconfig-gtk (pops up automatically)

/etc/usplash.conf differs with:

The manual fix is the same as previously stated:

- Modify /etc/usplash.conf (xres=1400 yres=900)
- Modify /boot/grub/menu.lst (add vga=0x0365 at end of kernel line)
- Modify /etc/initramfs-tools/modules (add fbcon and vesafb on separate lines)
- Modify /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer (comment out 'blacklist vesafb')\
- run 'sudo update-initramfs -u'

If there's additional information you need, please let me know.

