Comment 8 for bug 186164

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Norbert Preining (preining) wrote : Re: [Bug 186164] [NEW] latex: multiple texmf.cnf files do not work correctly

On Mo, 17 Mär 2008, Hans Georg wrote:
> What's undisputably undocumented (or misdocumented) is the fact that
> kpsewhich and kpsewhere do not find the same file (as first hit).

Huu? Example please? They do *different* things. kpsewhich gives the
file as found by the kpse lib, while kpsewhere to (from the man page):
       kpsewhere - Expanding kpsewhich to separately iterate over each texmf
       tree listed in $TEXMF.

So it is not surprising that they find different files, kpsewhere will
find more files. Files can be shadowed by putting a file of the same
name into a higher order directory, that is a feature.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <email address hidden> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <email address hidden> Debian TeX Group
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A mood of irrational irritation with everyone and everything.
   --- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff