Comment 0 for bug 209874

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Emilio Pozuelo Monfort (pochu) wrote :

 affects ubuntu/taglib-sharp
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Hello MOTU Release team,

Please allow taglib-sharp go into the archive. This is
the last stable release, which has many bug fixes, but also a few new features
(that's why I'm asking this exception) since, currently in the archive.
The package would be a sync from Debian, where has been available in
unstable/testing for more than 2.5 months.

I've tested the update using Banshee and works fine, and Sebastian Dröge (who
maintains the package in Debian & takes care of it in Ubuntu) has an strong
opinion we should ship with this because Banshee ships an internal copy of
taglib-sharp (although it uses the standalone package) more recent than

Thanks for your consideration