Comment 3 for bug 285888

Revision history for this message
Shirish Agarwal (shirishag75) wrote :

Hi Lars,
  What I would have like to have is an option so I can choose to know which packages have been deprecated as sometimes it may take some time for the new packages for arrive or they wouldn't be a new package.

So a drop-down configuration which by default doesn't put on click. This way users automatically don't click on the cleanup.

My own use-case

I like the option having atleast couple of kernels just in case the new upgraded kernel doesn't work. or stuff like that. While I was looking at the last cruft change, accidentally I removed my beloved kernel and because its no longer in the archive, can't get it back.

So how it should work is that have an configuration option so people can opt just to see deprecated packages without the packages removal being in the checked state.

what it also would mean is that even if the cleanup button is applied it wouldn't hurt or do anything.

Comments and additions to the same are welcome.